Emotional Aikido?

Most of us have at least heard of the Japanese Martial Art named Aikido. One of its main principles is the use of an attacker’s momentum against them. This allows much smaller and physically weaker practitioners to best much larger and stronger opponents who rely on brute strength alone. Well, Read more…

Trust Your Gut!

Something interesting happened to me the other day. I received a rather peculiar request, out of the blue, by a prospective client. There was nothing inherently wrong with the request — it didn’t violate any core principles or values of mine; it just struck me as a bit bizarre. My Read more…

No Pain, No Gain?

“Embrace the hurt, people! Love the burn! No pain, no gain!” Once again, I asked myself why I paid good money for people to devise creative ways to subject me to sheer agony. Grace was the W.O.D. or “workout of the day” (with no relation with the theological concept). I Read more…